Railway Footbridge at Thornaby Station, Teeside
A 41.3m overall length x 2.5m wide three span railway footbridge was installed during a full night time rail, station and road closure over three weekends.
The bridge has solid infill panels over the railway lines for pedestrian safety. As an additional safety measure the bridge deck and steps had a non-slip surface applied by CTS. The bridge deck was manufactured using GRP Fibreline HD40 and the steps leading up to the bridge are manufactured using steel treads with a GRP nosing system with BGP courduroy strips at the landing aea.
Phenolic plates were proivded to reduce the heat caused by the diesel railway engines. CTS worked closely with the client to achieve a successful project. The client, Birse/Balfour Beatty praised us saying " that they were extremely pleased with our work and professionalism"
Published: Friday, 28th August 2015 at 10:55am